Dark Skies
Sep 28 → Oct 1, 2006
Las Vegas decompression on Roach Lake (map)
Hint: click on images for zoom in

The icon
By day
By night
Hint: click on images for zoom in

Meeting friends
At the gate
Tiya and Cindy
In the city
Tiya, Randy, and Amber
Hint: click on images for zoom in

Art cars
Cpt Bill's new float boat
No flash
With flash
Pebbles & Bambam
Dance vehicle
Art Car by Dennis
Front view
Rear view
Hint: click on images for zoom in

Out and about
Disco man
Disco man
Shrine to the dead
Fire circle
Mirror cube "ride"
Burn barrel
Hint: click on images for zoom in

Playing with blinkies
(and a camera long exposure setting)
The Green Man?
Pirate Ron
"Porno Pyro Pirates"

Dongray's homeBryanDongray's homeBryan's BurningMan site
The official Burning Man website
Hint: click on images for zoom in