Bod And The Apple
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Ivan Pope:
Just then his Aunt Flo comes along.
Aunt Flo represents the parent, the mother, the core of Bod's life. He has not yet fully separated himself from her, she knows everything. One day he will work out that this is not true. Today she is playing her appointed role: the debunker of myth and dream.
"What are you doing here?"
Aunt Flo shows that there is always an audience for art, but it's not always the audience you want.
"I'm waiting for an apple I threw up in the air," says Bod. "It hasn't come down."
"It will," says Aunt Flo.
It will. Aunt Flo is not an artist. She has no idea of what cusp Bod stands on. How can she understand what is going on here. Has she seen 'An Oak Tree' by Michael Craig-Martin? No, she is just doing her job. Better another accountant in the world than her boy should aspire to art.
"They always do"
Those crushing, dispiriting words. Art always falls to the ground along with dreams.
[You may note that Bod seems to be giving his Aunt the finger here]
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bTd home | Ivan Pope - Everything I know about art I learned from Bod Updated: Sun Mar 7 17:28:03 PST 2021
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