Dongray photos BM 2005
Driving through day and night, and day and night...
for a long time, 30 hours drive time.
I started Thursday night (Aug 25), arrived Saturday night (Aug 27).
I saw a rainbow in Utah:
a double one!
After 1960 miles, 30 miles from Gerlach, at 5pm,
after about 1000 miles that day of driving in the hot sun,
my trailer wheel bearing overheated, broke, which allowed the wheel to come off:
and while the police arrived in about 30 minutes and called a towing company,
the towing company did not arrive.
4 hours later, the police officer came back,
took me to the police substation in Gerlach where I could call AAA myself.
Another 2 hours go by, and the towing company arrive about midnight,
so after a total of 7 hours by the roadside, I arrived in Gerlach.
It's a real pity NO passing vehicles even slowed to asked if I was ok
or needed any help.
I could have used tiny pieces of space from 3 or 4 people to get my trailer stuff to BRC.
I ended up having to go back and forth from 1am to 5am shuttling my stuff in.
Down the week I had several trips to Bruno's station in Gerlach about getting it fixed.
No fun!
Staying at about 8:20 half way between Esplande and Amnesia,
on Monday I built my dome for the FEAST camp:
And had helped with the Orgasmateria dome (on Sunday):
It needed more help Monday, due to high winds.
We added guy ropes, and I had just the right amount of spare rebar with me, to secure it.
I built my art bike over a few days:
people seemed to enjoy its concept,
even though I never managed to add multiple flashing ELwire out from the brain like "neurons firing",
I never put the "idea" bulb above it,
and did not manage to assemble the sound system I took for it.
I cycled about with it over a couple of days, and one night.
Many people took photos, but I've just found one online so far:
Unfortunately I didn't cycle it Thursday night,
because I had diarrhea (probably from not eating most of the time,
and then I had a beef stew) and wanted a faster mode of transport,
and when I got back the winds had done some damage,
so it never recovered, and I altered it to become just the base octagon
keeping the ELwire around it.
I saw some art & structures:
Some kids playing BIG junga, and
and the various sky bound art:
Of course a few art cars were around:
I took various photos of the man at night and at sunrise:
I saw NeverGirl at RadioFree Burningman
and gave her my hand made gift:
On the night of the burn, I'm proud I could help with her costume (well... just a little):
and she lent me some black wings (you can just about see them):
Saturday night, at the man, burn night, all the fire dancers were in full force.
And then IGNITION, I caught it at that VERY moment!
So my favorite photos:
Then the firework show:
And we wait for him to fall:
Look a fall...? No just one layer collapsed, but he still stood for a few more minutes:
Later (near Center Camp), helped someone light their propane burner hat:
Sunday night, the Temple burn, but it was a little far away for good photos as I was with all the art cars:
Monday, packing everything onto and within the car, as there was no trailer.
It was nice of two burners who live in the Minneapolis area to take my generator home,
but the rest I managed to carry.
It was a hot day.
Then the drive home, seeing the Salt Lake piece of art (I think it hides a cellphone tower):
Uneventful, which is good, but it was expensive in gas costs.
Arrived home Wednesday night (Sep 7).
A word from the author of this page:
Bryan at Burningman 2005

Photo by Blueniteowl
Overall I think I've become too easy going with what I see,
so the number of photographs were far less.
I still have a problem taking photos of people and their costumes,
and I need to be able to just say compliments to people about their efforts.
Having created various art bikes, dome, and helped with costumes,
I do understand the amount of time and effort that goes even into the simplist
looking art bike, costume, or structure, and I need to tell people
what a wonderful effort they've done.
I know I appreciate it when people say those things to me.
I think I need to have some good playawear too.