Dongrays at
Burningman 2008

Theme: "The American Dream"
As of Wed Mar 12 09:37:33 2025 PDT
The man has burned
Look at my Burningman photos 2008
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293 photos

2008 street map

1475x1650 gif image: 195k
Rescaled: 1 pixel = 10 feet
[source: BMsite PDF]

Random photo from BM2008
Sorted list of camps by either location or by name

This year I thought of having wind power generator, but after reviewing:
Wind Power Basics (copied from a 2005 article at
and knowing (from my plot of last years wind speeds) the wind is typically 5 to 10 mph, the power output of (say) a 10ft diameter system could only mathematically generate a maximum of about 140W (taking into account conversion efficiencies and altitude) and also consider overnight the wind drops to useless, solar is probably a better option for ease and cost effectiveness.
My plot of the weather for Burningman 2008 week at Gerlach
8 day history plot
Information from Gerlach,NV weather station
Timelapse shotsof the weeks prior, during, and after Burningman
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