
She's Leaving Home off Japanese TV show
The Long And Winding Road off Japanese TV show
Another Day off BBC TV Christmas Special
Brazil off Movie soundtrack
Do Bears...? from The Secret Policeman's Ball
Don't Give Up off Peter Gabriel's album "So"
Flowers off Zaine Griff's album "Figures" (backing vocals)
Games Without Frontiers off Peter Gabriel's album "3" (backing vocals)
The King Is Dead off Go West's album "Dancing On The Couch" (backing vocals)
Out Of The Storm cut from the movie The Dinosaur
Lyra during credits of The Golden Compass
The Magician Of Lublin off Movie soundtrack
The Man I Love off Tribute to Gershwin
No Self Control off Peter Gabriel's album "3" (backing vocals)
Once off Roy Harper's album "Once" (backing vocals)
Radio One Jingle off Christmas jingle
The Seer off Big Country's album "The Seer" (backing vocals)
Sister and Brother off Midge Ure's album "Answers To Nothing"
Mna Na h'Eireann off Common Ground album.

There are other collaboration tracks that I have not had chance to work out what I hear and put them online. Please be patient with me!

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