The Team-Implementer is the practicle organiser. This type of person is the one who turns decisions and strategies into defined and manageable tasks that people can actually get on with. They are concerned with what is feasible, and their chief contribution is to convert the team's plans into a feasible form. This type of person sorts out objectives, and pursues them logically.
Like the Co-ordinator, the Team-Implementer also has strength of character and a disciplined approach. They are notable for their sincerity, integrity, and trust of colleagues, and they are not easily deflated or discouraged; it is only a sudden change of plan that is likely to upset this type of person, because they are liable to flounder in unstable, quickly changing situations.
Because they need stable structures, they are always trying to build them. Give them a decision and they will produce a schedule; give them a group of people and an objective and they will produce an organisation chart. This type of person works efficiently, systematically and methodically, but sometimes a little inflexibly, and they are unresponsive to speculative, airy-fairy ideas that do not have visible immediate bearing on the task in hand. At the same time, they are usually perfectly willing to trim and adapt their schedules and proposals to fit into agreed plans.
The Team-Implementer can be over competitive for team status, which can be damaging if it expresses itself in the form of negative, unconstructive criticism of suggestions put forward by other members of the team. Normally, however, they are close to the team's point of balance. If anyone does not know what on earth has been decided and what that team member is supposed to be doing, they will go to the Team-Implementer first to find out.